Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Kidnap 4 with Mistress J - Day 1

I had to travel from home very early in the morning, and after an uneventful journey, I arrived safely in Manchester. As always, the first thing I did was to text Mistress and let her know I had arrived. She replied promptly, and my first instructions were to check in to my hotel, and leave a key under her name in the reception.

It had been several months since the last time I had the pleasure to be under Mistress’ control, so when my first instructions arrived my heart started to beat faster immediately! Leaving a key for Mistress in the reception meant that she would have access to my room at any time, and memories from past rounds started to pop up in my mind. The times she had been to my room to do something while I was out, and then left before I returned. Or the time she entered while I was kneeling on the floor. Or my favourite: The time she hid in my room and ambushed me as I walked in!

After checking in, I went for a stroll around the city, and I had an early dinner. I don’t have much of an appetite when I’m under Mistresse’ control, but I managed to eat a little bit. And all the time I kept Mistress up to date on my whereabouts.

I was constantly wondering when Mistress would show up. The reason why I spent this first day in Manchester was just so that Mistress could start the round, so I was sure she had to show up at some time. Little did I know that Mistress had very different plans, and that she would avoid the obvious just to mess up my mind as much as she could.

The evening came, and I felt extremely tired from getting up early and travelling to Manchester. At 9pm texted Mistress to ask for permission to go to sleep, and she happily granted me permission. But it was difficult to fall asleep, since Mistress had a key to my room and I was still sure that she would show up.

But finally I fell asleep. I had not seen Mistress that day, and I was a little disappointed. But I would soon learn that this was exactly according to Mistress’ plan.

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